Channel SKU Linking

Channel SKU Listing - Overview
Channel SKU Listing/Mapping is one of the most important and crucial parts of the setup. Many times, sellers list their product on the different portals...
Tue, 25 Feb, 2020 at 6:01 PM
Link Channel SKU code through screen
Channel SKU "Create / Edit" Listing In order to add a new channel SKU listing manually, Click on ‘Add New’ button on the upper right corner.  ...
Tue, 25 Feb, 2020 at 5:53 PM
Link Channel SKU code(s) through Import
There are two types of Import in Channel SKU listing: 1) Add Listing: To add list and link new channel SKU code with e-Retail SKU codes. 2) Update Listin...
Tue, 25 Feb, 2020 at 6:00 PM