In case you face the issue in Limeroard order Processing, Please check the following cases and rectify it, a) Check the Limeroad Password, Whether it is correctly updated in e-retail Or not. If not, Please update the correct password. If Yes, then Skip this point. b) Check the Box Inventory at Limeroad, If Inventory of Packaging material is 0, then Order will not be processed. Update the Box Inventory at Limeroad and try again refecting the label. If Inventory is available, Skip this point. c) Check whether the order is being processed from Limeroad or not. If it's stuck there then order label issue is at the Limeroad end. If It's not stuck at Processing and Label is generated, Please wait for sometime to fetch the label, but if it's more than 15 minutes then Raised a ticket at Someone from support team will then check the issue.