Inventory View by SKU BIN:

This screen display all Inventory of a SKU Code with respect to the BIN Location. 

It display following Information: 

  1. SKU Details: SKU code(s) product detail.
  2. Zone: By default it is GOODINV.
  3. From Bin: The Existing bin where inventory is currently present. 
  4. Total Quantity: The total quantity of all the SKU code(s) i.e. (Available Qty + Blocked Qty)
  5. Available Qty: The available quantity of all the SKU code(s).
  6. Last Modified Date: This field shows the update date of the inventory of the SKU.

Inventory by SKU BIN has following additional fields:

Move Inventory: This will allow the user to move the inventory from one BIN to another BIN within the warehouse.

To move the inventory, select the SKU code(s) and click on 'Move Inventory' button. 

Then Select the new BIN Location and Quantity of SKU which needs to be move from BIN to New BIN and then click on Move Inventory.

Note: Qty should be less than Available Qty and More than Zero.