Channel SKU "Create / Edit" Listing

In order to add a new channel SKU listing manually, Click on ‘Add New’ button on the upper right corner.  

Navigation: Products → Channel SKU Listing →Add New

After clicking on Add New, Create/Edit Listing popup will show up.

# Fields which are marked with an asterisk (*) sign are mandatory fields and the minimum requirement for a channel SKU listing to be created.  


Enter the following details in respective fields.

  1. SKU code: Enter the e-Retail SKU code. (Mandatory)
  2. Channel: Select the channel from the drop-down menu. (Mandatory)
  3. Channel SKU code: Enter the channel SKU code which is mentioned in the respective channel. (Mandatory)
  4. Channel Product ID: Enter the Product id. (Refer Table1). (Mandatory)
  5. Channel Price: Selling Price of SKU w.r.t to the channel. (Non-Mandatory)

Click on Save.

Linking from the unlinked Tab:

Search an SKU code, using Filter and then click on Link Button which is front of the SKU Code.

To link a channel SKU code, click on "Link" from the right-hand side.

 After clicking on 'Link', Link SKU pop up will show up.

In search SKU to link, search the e-Retail SKU Code and once e-Retail SKU code is found, click on 'Link SKU'.